Heian Shodan

Heian Shodan
("Peaceful" (possibly "Basic") "First Level")

About the kata

Supposedly, Itosu didn't actually teach this form as the first in the series. When Funakoshi brought these kata to Japan, he switched the order of the first and second forms because he felt that this one was easier to learn than the other, and should thus be taught first.

How to do the kata

  1. Yoi (Ready Position)
    Stand ready with your feet about shoulder width apart, hands closed in front of the hips, and eyes focused forward.
  2. Hidari Gedan Barai Zenkutsu Dachi (Left Down Block, Front Stance)
    Look to the left and step in that direction with the left foot into a front stance while executing a left hand down block.
  3. Migi Chudan Oi Zuki Zenkutsu Dachi (Right Mid-level Lunge Punch, Front Stance)
    Step forward into a new front stance and punch forward to the midsection with the right hand.
  4. Migi Gedan Barai Zenkutsu Dachi (Right Down Block, Front Stance)
    Begin by looking to the rear over the right shoulder. Keeping the left foot in place, step with the right foot to the rear, via your right side, and turn into a front stance while doing a down block with the right hand.
  5. Migi Chudan Tetsui Uchi Zenkutsu Dachi (Right Mid-level Hammer-fist Strike, Front Stance)
    Without lifting the hips, shift the weight back onto the left leg while sliding the right foot back about halfway to the left foot. Do not lift the foot, it should glide on the floor. At the same time, bring the right hand low across the body to the left, rotating the wrist so that the palm continues to face towards the body. Once the weight is shifted back, begin shifting forward again, sliding the right foot back forward again as well. As the weight moves forward, bring the right hand up to the left shoulder, palm down, and then as the foot stops moving and as the weight settles, strike overhead with the side of the right fist. The strike should be at shoulder level and aligned with the right shoulder. The elbow should be bent at about ninety degrees. The right foot should make no noise during this move.
  6. Hidari Chudan Oi Zuki Zenkutsu Dachi (Left Mid-level Lunge Punch, Front Stance)
    Step forward into a new front stance and punch forward to the midsection with the left hand.
  7. Hidari Gedan Barai Zenkutsu Dachi (Left Down Block, Front Stance)
    Look to the left and step in that direction with the left foot into a front stance while executing a left hand down block.
  8. Migi Jodan Age Uke Zenkutsu Dachi (Right Head-high Rising Block, Front Stance)
    Raise the left hand as you begin stepping forward. The hand should be open, plam down. It passes in a gentle arc through your center line, stopping at eye level at the centre line, arm fully extended, at about the halfway point of your step. Immediately pull the extended arm in and block with the right hand as you complete the step.
  9. Hidari Jodan Age Uke Zenkutsu Dachi (Left Head-high Rising Block, Front Stance)
    Open the right hand and extend it forward towards the eyes, then retract it as you step forward into a new front stance and block with the left hand.
  10. Migi Jodan Age Uke Zenkutsu Dachi Kiai (Right Head-high Rising Block, Front Stance, Kiai)
    Open the left hand and extend it forward towards the eyes, then retract it as you step forward into a new front stance and block with the right hand. Kiai as you complete the block.
  11. Hidari Gedan Barai Zenkutsu Dachi (Left Down Block, Front Stance)
    Look to the right using your peripheral vision. Moving your left, rear, foot, pivot counter-clockwise on your right foot in a 270 degree spin. Stop and land in a front stance while executing a left hand down block.
  12. Migi Chudan Oi Zuki Zenkutsu Dachi (Right Mid-level Lunge Punch, Front Stance)
    Step forward into a new front stance and punch forward to the midsection with the right hand.
  13. Migi Gedan Barai Zenkutsu Dachi (Right Down Block, Front Stance)
    Begin by looking to the rear over the right shoulder. Keeping the left foot in place, step with the right foot to the rear, via your right side, and turn into a front stance while doing a down block with the right hand.
  14. Hidari Chudan Oi Zuki Zenkutsu Dachi (Left Mid-level Lunge Punch, Front Stance)
    Step forward into a new front stance and punch forward to the midsection with the left hand.
  15. Hidari Gedan Barai Zenkutsu Dachi (Left Down Block, Front Stance)
    Look to the left and step in that direction with the left foot into a front stance while executing a left hand down block.
  16. Migi Chudan Oi Zuki Zenkutsu Dachi (Right Mid-level Lunge Punch, Front Stance)
    Step forward into a new front stance and punch forward to the midsection with the right hand.
  17. Hidari Chudan Oi Zuki Zenkutsu Dachi (Left Mid-level Lunge Punch, Front Stance)
    Step forward into a new front stance and punch forward to the midsection with the left hand.
  18. Migi Chudan Oi Zuki Zenkutsu Dachi Kiai (Right Mid-level Lunge Punch, Front Stance, Kiai)
    Step forward into a new front stance and punch forward to the midsection with the right hand. Kiai as you complete the punch.
  19. Hidari Chudan Shuto Uke Kokutsu Dachi (Left Mid-level Knife-hand Block, Back Stance)
    Look to the right using your peripheral vision. Moving your left, rear, foot, pivot counter-clockwise on your right foot in a 270 degree spin. Stop and land in a back stance while executing a left hand knife-hand block.
  20. Migi Chudan Shuto Uke Kokutsu Dachi (Right Mid-level Knife-hand Block, Back Stance)
    Step forward and fourty-five degrees to the right into a new back stance and block with the right hand.
  21. Migi Chudan Shuto Uke Kokutsu Dachi (Right Mid-level Knife-hand Block, Back Stance)
    Begin by looking to the right over the right shoulder. Keeping the left foot in place, step with the right foot one-hundred thirty-five degrees to your right; you should end up inline with where your first knife-hand block, but facing the other direction. Turn via your right side into a back stance while doing a knife-hand block with the right hand.
  22. Hidari Chudan Shuto Uke Kokutsu Dachi (Left Mid-level Knife-hand Block, Back Stance)
    Step forward and forty-five degrees to the left into a new back stance and block with the left hand.
  23. Yoi (Ready Position)
    Return to the ready position by first looking to the left. Then, keeping the right foot in place, step counter clock-wise with the left foot, ending in both the same posture and location that you started the form with.
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page last updated on Thursday 16 September 2010