Karate-do Kyohan

Collector's Edition

Master Text for the Way of the Empty-Hand

by Master Gichin Funakoshi

Translated by Harumi Suzuki-Johnston

Karate-do Kyohan: Master Text for the Wayof the Empty-Hand

Buy your copy here!!

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Product Description

With only a few original texts still existing in the world, we immediately realized the importance of preserving this true work of art in its entirety forever!
Now, everyone with an interest in Master Gichin Funakoshi, martial arts history, or Shotokan karate can experience the Master Text in its complete and original form, not only for curiosity reasons, but for the benefits of the experience itself!
The entire work has been translated and reproduced with over 300 original digitally re-mastered photos, 250+ application and technique notes, original art, ancient texts, and numerous supportive documents from Japanese dignitaries of the day!
The intended work is now revealed and can be savored by all who recognize its significance!
Purchase your "Collectors Edition" copy now. This is a "Limited Printing" and will not be available in this exquisitely bound, embossed, box-covered, high quality first printing edition after this one-time distribution.
This special book binding (8 1/2" x 11" format) consists of a Smyth sewn, gold-leaf embossed, two-tone cloth hardcover and box dust cover, with the original 1936 kanji and tiger designs of Hoan Kosugi.
Proudly add this beautiful masterpiece edition to your martial arts literary collection. Take advantage of this opportunity now and guarantee your place among the proud owners of this testament to martial arts history.

Section 1: Intro
Section 2: Construction of Karate
Section 3: Basic Kata
Section 4: Kumite
Section 5: Women's Self Defense
Section 6: Vital Points
Appendix 1: How to Make a Straw Bundle
Appendix 2: Karate Theory Collection

*Also contains previously unpublished material

A Hard To Find Text - Not in Stores

Product Details

RRP: $135

Hardback: 264 pages. First Edition - September 2005

Publisher: Neptune Publications.

ISBN: no ISBN listed

Size: (8 1/2" x 11")

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page last updated on Thursday 16 September 2010